quarta-feira, 4 de junho de 2014

6ª Contribuição

Original  Aqui

I write almost about everything, poetry (if i can call it to my words) included. This is something i wrote a long time ago, and now i want to share it with TMU

Time is a train
time flies fast
and no one wants to be the last

Time is a train
it goes round again and again
every second brings
another second

We all must stand strong
second after second
an entire

Second after second
an empire
is built or destroyed

Second after second
a chance to commit a crime
or to work for a better time

Time is a train
and the last station
brings maybe desperation

No chance no run away
 ´cos time is a train
and not a clock
and sometimes it doesn´t move in circles

When you were born
you were condemned to the gridlock
second after second
decade after decade
second after second
like a cold blade
moving in circles
inside your skin
so soft and thin

Time is pain

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