quinta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2016

Contribuição 50

Original aqui.

I don´t know if that kind of actions are usual in other countries, here in Portugal they aren´t, so let me share something I found very interesting.
In a joint initiative of the Library of São Lázaro and the Arroios parish council, more than 2500 books are being left by the Lisbon streets, a literary hunting game. Until 15 September everyone can go in search of those books, that will be ready to be “caught” without costs.
“We want people to lose their fears of books. In previous years we did the initiative here at the library, but not many people came here to seek. Some weren´t aware of it, others were probably ashamed, “says Joaquina Pereira, one of the coordinators of the project and responsible for the oldest public library in Lisbon (It was established in 1883). Every day, a library team spreads about 50 to 60 books in public places, such as cafes, kiosks, garden benches. Each book is identified by the tag “Take me with You”.

P.S. - Este post é uma versão editada deste

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