quinta-feira, 3 de julho de 2014

11ª Contribuição

Night People

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Until some time ago a “night owl” was regarded (by “mainstream”) as a kind of “strange and weird guy”, but fortunately science has demonstrated that each of us has a different biological clock.

If someone asks me to rate mornings I will say one single word: “Dislike”…

I appreciate people who say that mornings are the most profitable part of the day (and I’m not being ironic, because our society is (globally) adjusted to that) but actually is not “my thing”.

For years I´ve had a job from 8 to “eternety”, which forced me to get up everyday at 6:30 am…

I ‘m not complaining about anything, I’m just stating a fact and if tomorrow I´ll have to return to a similar scenario no one will listen to my “screams”, but “at night is when things begin” is definitely my motto …

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