sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2008

Poesia - Dumb

Adoraria ter escrito estas linhas, mas o seu a seu dono - Kurt Cobain

I´m not like them
but I can pretend
the sun is gone
but I have a light
the day is done
but I´m having fun
i think I´m dumb
or maybe just happy
think I´m just happy
My heart is broke
but I have some glue
help me inhale
and mend it with you
we´ll float around
and hang out on clouds
then we´ll come down
and have a hangover...
have a hangover

Skin the sun
fall asleep
wish away
the soul is cheap
lesson learned
wish me luck
soothe the burn
wake me up

I´m not like them
but I can pretend
the sun is gone
but i have a light
the day is done
but I´m having fun
I think I´m dumb

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